Mittwoch, Februar 28, 2007

Henry Wettach, Walter, Louise - Winifred's Family Search

The following message appeared on the Wettach Surname Board and if one of our readers could help, it would be greatly appreciated:
i am looking for info about rita rizzo wettach who i've been told she may be my birthmother. she was married to a henry wettach. i was born in aug 1954 in north carolina . rita had family in north carolina i think her parents would have lived here. thats what i was told . she is now in a mental hospital in north carolina she has demintia. i think henry's fathr was walter and he was married to louise. rita rizzo's family was from italy henery family from germany. if you can help me connect the dots it would be great. merry christmas. barbara
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Montag, Februar 26, 2007

Funkensonntag in Wittenbach - mit Masken von Arnold Wettach

Bild Thalmann, Quelle Tagblatt.chWittenbach. Dem Winter den Garaus machen. Mit Schellen, Glocken und Guggenmusik. Gestern musste der Böögg auch in Wittenbach brennen. (...)
Vor 44 Jahren führte Dorflehrer Sales Huber das alte alemannische Ritual des Wintervertreibens in Wittenbach ein. Ziel war, der Jugend eine Attraktion zu bieten. Bis heute nehmen zahlreiche Schülerinnen und Schüler am Umzug zum Funkensonntag teil. Dabei tragen sie weisse Hemden und auf dem Kopf die mit Scherenschnitten geschmückten Iffeln. Neben den weissen Masken gibt es auch «die Wilden», mit Holzmasken von einheimischen Schnitzern, von Rudolf Bogner und Arnold Wettach. (...)

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Dienstag, Februar 20, 2007

Rivella Family Contest 2007 auf der Axalp - Bruno Wettach als Präsident des Organisationskomitees

Foto: Schurter, Quelle: Jungfrau-ZeitungNach dem Motto «ohne Stress und Hektik» nahmen am Samstagabend 49 Familien beim Rivella Family Contest auf der Axalp teil. Organisiert wurde das Nachtskirennen vom Skiclub Brienz unter Mithilfe des Skiclubs Axalp, den Sportbahnen Axalp-Windegg AG und
«Mit einem Minimum an Schnee haben die Organisatoren ein Maximum von einer Rennstrecke hergestellt», sagte OK-Präsident Bruno Wettach anlässlich der Preisverteilung.

[ Weiterlesen hier: Quelle: Jungfrau-Zeitung ]

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Sonntag, Februar 18, 2007

February 18.: Jane Wettach at the Key School Workshop on Dyslexia, ADHD, and the Law

Citizen TimesKey School Workshop on Dyslexia, ADHD, and the Law from 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at Carolina Day School, Hendersonville Road, Asheville. The Key Learning Center sponsors a community outreach seminar, "Dyslexia, ADHD, and the Law." Dr. James G. Ward, Jr., a pediatrician and a member of the board of the International Dyslexia Association and Jane Wettach, clinical professor of law and director of the Children's Education Law Clinic of Duke University Law School, lead the program. Appropriate for teachers, tutors, parents and administrators. Call Mary Anna Phillips at 274-3311, e-mail or visit

[ Source: Citizen Times ]

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Freitag, Februar 16, 2007 Berlin is cool because Reto Wettach is near!

Addict3DReason to be happy in Berlin 3: Potsdam is a short train ride away and if a visit to Sanssouci or the studio where Metropolis was shot is not your thing, then how about this:The BA/MA Programm Interaction Design where Reto Wettach is teaching and the Interaction Design Lab of the University of Applied Sciences are organizing a two day conference on interface and interaction design on March 30 and 31.

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Dienstag, Februar 13, 2007

Matthew Wettach: Iowa's Top Youth Volunteer in 12th Annual National Awards Program

Business WireDES MOINES, Iowa--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Matthew Wettach, 17, of Mount Pleasant and Candace Carlson, 13, of Council Bluffs today were named Iowa's top two youth volunteers for 2007 by The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards, a nationwide program honoring young people for outstanding acts of volunteerism. The awards program, now in its 12th year, is conducted by Prudential Financial in partnership with the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP).

Matthew was nominated by Mt. Pleasant Community High School in Mount Pleasant, and Candace was nominated by Lewis Central Middle School in Council Bluffs. As State Honorees, each will receive $1,000, an engraved silver medallion, and an all-expense-paid trip in early May to Washington, D.C., where they will join the top two honorees - one middle level and one high school youth - from each of the other states and the District of Columbia for several days of national recognition events. Ten of them will be named America's top youth volunteers for 2007 at that time.

Matthew, a junior at Mt. Pleasant Community High School, founded a program that has provided backpacks filled with new school supplies to 125 kindergartners from low-income families over the past two years. "I remember when I was in grade school, some children would get picked on because they did not have nice new school supplies like everyone else," he said. "I would share my school supplies with them, but felt frustrated because I wanted to do more."

Matthew finally got his chance. During the summer of 2005, he began mowing lawns to earn money for a project he calls "Write Start." He approached a local community center to identify children in need, and asked kindergarten teachers for the list of supplies required of new students. Then Matthew diligently watched ads for the best prices on school supplies, and spent thousands of his hard-earned dollars at local stores. The purchased supplies were stuffed into backpacks along with personalized notes, and delivered to the community center for eligible kids to pick up. In addition, Matthew organized a drive to provide the kids with coats, hats, mittens and teddy bears during the holiday season. Matthew says he hopes to expand Write Start soon to other communities. (...)

While in Washington, D.C., the 102 State Honorees will tour the capital's landmarks, attend a gala awards ceremony at the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History, and visit their congressional representatives on Capitol Hill. In addition, 10 of them - five middle level and five high school students - will be named National Honorees on May 7 by a prestigious national selection committee. These honorees will receive additional $5,000 awards, gold medallions, crystal trophies and $5,000 grants from The Prudential Foundation for nonprofit, charitable organizations of their choice.

Serving on the national selection committee will be U.S. Senator Norm Coleman of Minnesota; Arthur Ryan of Prudential; actor Richard Dreyfuss; Alma Powell, chair of America's Promise - The Alliance for Youth; Robert Goodwin, president and CEO of the Points of Light Foundation; Amy B. Cohen, director of Learn and Serve America at the Corporation for National and Community Service; Kathy Cloninger, CEO of Girl Scouts of the USA; Donald T. Floyd Jr., president and CEO of National 4-H Council; Michael Cohen, president and CEO of Achieve, Inc.; Kathryn Forbes, national chair of volunteers, American Red Cross; Joe Militello, president of NASSP; and two 2006 Prudential Spirit of Community National Honorees: Ajay Mangal of Pascagoula, Miss., and Geneva Johnson of the Bronx, N.Y.

[ Read more at the Source: Biz.Yahoo.Com ]

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Närrischer Gottesdienst: Walter Wettach als Franziskanermönch Bruder Walter

Der Tag des Herrn...

Welche Überschrift sollte sonst den Text über den Närrischen Gottesdienst zieren...;o)

Schon um 10.11 ging es am Sonntag los...närrischer Gottesdienst in der St. Franzikus Kirche... Während draußen der Regen plätscherte saßen wir drinnen bei Musik von Joyful Voices - Das rote Mikrofon im Trockenen und konnten einen sicher nicht alltäglichen Gottesdienst miterleben. Mit dem Till der Löwenjäger und Hans-Peter Schwöbel waren wahre Meister in der Bütt - oder, besser: auf der Kanzel... auch die "Predigt" von Pfarrer Walter Wettach, der in diesem Jahr als Franziskanermönch Bruder Walter unterwegs war (nein, er ist nicht konvertiert...) war heiter, regte aber auch zum Nachdenken an, eine nicht einfache Kombination, wie sie besser nicht vermittelt werden konnte... ein wahrhaft göttlicher Start in den Tag also....;o))

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Montag, Februar 12, 2007

Matthias Wettach aus Horgen: Filmkritiker des Jahres für das Kinoblog

Matthias Wettach aus Horgen - Quelle Kinoblog unter cineman.chUnter all jenen, die [auf] 2006 mindestens einem Film eine Note gaben, verlosten wir einen PIAGGIO Beverly 125 Roller. Und den haben wir gestern dem glücklichen Gewinner übergeben, Matthias Wettach aus Horgen. An dieser Stelle nochmals herzliche Gratulation! Für das Kinoblog von reicht das schon für die Überschrift "Der Filmkritiker des Jahres" - na dann prost! Jedenfalls auch vom Wettach-Blog herzliche Glückwünsche an diesen jedenfalls glücklichen Filmkritiker.

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Freitag, Februar 02, 2007

Muscatine, Iowa: Taylor Wettach for more Student Participation in Councils

It didn't take Taylor Wettach more than a moment to agree that all the students at his school should be encouraged to bring their ideas to student council meetings.
[ Aged off server at: Muscatine Journal ]

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