Freitag, April 27, 2007

Lwin Moe Wettach geniesst Pizza: Ferien-Spass mit dem Ferien-Pass Bödeli

Lwin Moe WettachLiebenswerte Pferde, besondere Vögel, bunte Sträusse, Zaubertricks, coole Drinks, Schwingen, Karate, Handball, Tennis, Bowling, Fussball, Unihockey, Judo, Squash, Minigolf, Volleyball, Badminton, Sportklettern, Rudern, Tauchen, Krafttraining, Jiu-Jitsu, Pool-Billard, Salsa, Trommeln, Ballett, Jazztanz: Das Bödeli-Ferienpass-Angebot ist sehr gross und abwechslungsreich. Gegen 1000 Kinder haben mitgemacht, allerdings nur 50 Oberstufen-Schüler. Es gab auch Neues: zum Beispiel Lichter- und Perlenketten gestalten, den Schokoladehimmel besuchen, Wen-Do für Mädchen, Massagen, einen Besuch der Sternwarte Schwanden und im Freilichtmuseum Ballenberg. (...)

(...) Das Beste an der Bödelipass-Pizza: Nachdem man sie in den Ofen geschoben hat, kann man sie im Kreis seiner Mit-Pizza-Bäcker auch selber essen. Lwin Moe Wettach und Luca Reber (links) mit Pizzaiolo Josi Pinto. (...)
[ Weiterlesen hier: Quelle ]

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Donnerstag, April 26, 2007

Taylor Wettach supports Art for Peace

Source: Muscatine JournalMUSCATINE, Iowa — The moment Muscatine High School sophomore Raul Canahui brought his original artwork before the MHS Student Council Tuesday, words of admiration filled the room.

Canahui came before his peers to ask if he could create a mural on a wall in the fine arts corridor of MHS.

“This is what I have in mind,” he said as he unfurled a large pencil etching of teenagers circling a fountain with the word PEACE written in block letters at its base. (...)

Council member Taylor Wettach, a sophomore, moved that the Council approve helping fund materials for the project and the Council unanimously approved the motion. (...)

Canahui, who came to Muscatine from his homeland of Guatemala three years ago, has been drawing since he was 3 years old. He is considering a career as an illustrator for children’s books.
[ Complete article here: Muscatine Journal ]

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Freitag, April 06, 2007

Jeff Wettach leads to success: Luther's track-and-field very good.

Source: CHIPSThe Luther indoor track season finished on a positive note with both the men’s 4x400 meter relay team and shot putter Jess Jewell (‘08) posting outstanding performances at the NCAA Division III National Indoor Track and Field Championships.

The relay team, consisting of Lucas Reidenbach (‘08), Mike Tangen (‘08), Ryan Potter (‘07) and Tyler Sherden (‘07), finished eighth with a time of 3:20.26 to earn All-America honors. All-America honors eluded the team last year after injuries derailed what had been a successful season.

“This achievement has been a dream of mine and my teammates for all of our years running track,” said Reidenbach. “It is crazy that it has actually come true.”

Although the team ran fast enough to qualify as All-America, the runners know they can perform even better.

“Going into nationals as the final seed we knew we had nothing to lose,” said Sherden. “Making it to the meet was an accomplishment in itself but none of us were going to be satisfied with that.” (...)
“Things just came together that day,” said Sherden. “We improved our season’s best time by almost four seconds, set a new school record and earned ourselves the 10th and final spot at the national meet.”

Perhaps the most impressive characteristic of the team is their aspiration to build upon what already are incredible careers.

“They have a great desire to improve,” said head coach Jeff Wettach. “I was so pleased with the way they prepared.” (...)

Wettach also stressed the divide between the indoor and outdoor seasons.

“We definitely point towards the outdoor season,” he said. “Success in the indoor season is really just a bonus, but it shows we are capable of running faster outdoors.”

“If we do not make it to nationals this outdoor season I know that I will be very disappointed,” said Reidenbach. “We are ready and Coach Wettach has prepared us extremely well for the outdoor season.” (...)
[ Read all at: CHIPS ]

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Dienstag, April 03, 2007

Clinton meets Wettach - Sen. Hilary Clinton came to Mount Pleasant

Source: ZWireHosted by Tom and Christie Vilsack at their home on North Main Street in Mt. Pleasant, Senator Hilary Clinton greeted over 100 visitors during a breakfast open house.
Most of the visitors were older community members, retired workers, but there were a few college and high school students who made the meeting.
Many stayed long enough to meet and briefly discuss an issue and then left for work or classes. Others stuck around to hear what the former Governor had to say by way of introducing the former First Lady of the U.S.
Vilsack credited Clinton for his first gubernatorial win, bringing the limelight of attention on a campaign to which few were paying attention.
He said Clinton was tried and tested as few presidential candidates are, adding that Clinton is ready to assume the mantle of President of the United States. "So we wanted to share our friends with her," he said.
Clinton recalled her work back in 1974 with Tom Bell of Mt. Pleasant, Christie Vilsack's brother, during the impeachment proceedings against President Nixon. She credited the advancement of renewable fuels, plus recent education increases and child health care developments to the work of the Vilsacks.
High school student Matt Wettach said he was impressed with Clinton's talk. "She's very articulate and I think all the issues she talked about are what America needs.
"I'm also grateful that she came to Mt. Pleasant to show an interest in small-town America."
[ Read it all at: MP NEWS on ZWire ]

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