Clinton meets Wettach - Sen. Hilary Clinton came to Mount Pleasant

Most of the visitors were older community members, retired workers, but there were a few college and high school students who made the meeting.
Many stayed long enough to meet and briefly discuss an issue and then left for work or classes. Others stuck around to hear what the former Governor had to say by way of introducing the former First Lady of the U.S.
Vilsack credited Clinton for his first gubernatorial win, bringing the limelight of attention on a campaign to which few were paying attention.
He said Clinton was tried and tested as few presidential candidates are, adding that Clinton is ready to assume the mantle of President of the United States. "So we wanted to share our friends with her," he said.
Clinton recalled her work back in 1974 with Tom Bell of Mt. Pleasant, Christie Vilsack's brother, during the impeachment proceedings against President Nixon. She credited the advancement of renewable fuels, plus recent education increases and child health care developments to the work of the Vilsacks.
High school student Matt Wettach said he was impressed with Clinton's talk. "She's very articulate and I think all the issues she talked about are what America needs.
"I'm also grateful that she came to Mt. Pleasant to show an interest in small-town America."
[ Read it all at: MP NEWS on ZWire ]
Labels: iowa, matthew wettach, mount pleasant, politics
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