George Wettach - President of the EVMS Pan Student Council at Eastern Virginia Medical School , graduated

George Wettach, here in the front left with Chelsea Willie, received his diploma that officially makes him a phyisician at this commencement.

As a third year medical student he discribed his experiences at EVPS as follows: "I had been outside the classroom for many years when I applied to medical school.
As I met students here, I was impressed by the diversity of experiences they brought to EVMS – as researchers, pilots, graphic designers, musicians, and therapists. Because our school is relative young, the faculty and staff remain open to new ideas suggested by students.
Now, my classmates and I continue to benefit from their foresight. For example, we begin regular structured encounters with standardized patients within days of matriculation. In small groups, we practice eliciting the patient’s story and selecting the best physical examination techniques with these highly trained professionals. We are also mentored by experienced physicians who offer detailed feedback on our observation, auscultation, and palpation.

The faculty, staff, and students here are always finding creative ways to serve the local community, whether it’s through “Radio Rounds” on WHRV-FM, health screenings during “Community Care Day,” or the Halloween candy exchange for diabetic children. All of this challenges each of us to make our school and our neighborhoods the best places they can be.
I knew that a medical education would not be easy; truly rewarding experiences rarely are. It’s good to know that an extended family here at EVMS is available to help me achieve my goals."
[ More pictures from the EVMS Convocation 2006 here ]
Labels: evms, george wettach, medicine, VA, virginia
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