Lowe's Auction attracts bargain-seekers in Salt Lake City - Toni Wettach and her mother

If there are too many cars, there will be too many buyers, and that means more bids and higher prices, Bart Crable counseled as he searched for bargains at the big auction Thursday at the old Lowe's warehouse. (...)
Among the bidders were mother-and-daughter-team Donna King and Toni Wettach, who had roamed the aisles the day before, picking out what they wanted and discussing bidding strategies. Wettach bid on a pallet of cinder block but was content let it go, even though an outside wall needs repair. "The woman paid twice the retail price," she laughed.
But Wettach still wanted a refrigerator, wall oven and shingles if she could get a deal.
[ Read all at: SaltLakeTribune ]
Labels: salt lake, toni wettach, utah
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