Environmental Effort: John Wettack wants to clean up Sierra Vista, AZ

SIERRA VISTA — Police officers could be given more powers to crack down on people who flout the city’s litter laws.
And even though councilors believe an ordinance would be difficult to enforce, they hope it will at least start an education process.
The issue was first raised by the Environmental Affairs Commission, which is urging Sierra Vista’s council to adopt a new ordinance.
The current law, under which violators can only be cited if a police officer witnesses debris falling from a vehicle, is inadequate, said EAC representative John Wettack.
“Our city currently has a significant problem with litter dropped or blown from vehicles,” he told councilors at a public works session on Monday.
“The problem is especially prevalent along roads leading to the transfer station and landfills. It is far too common to observe materials such as construction debris, trash bags, cardboard boxes, plastic sheeting and tree trimmings on or along our roads.
“In addition to being unsightly, materials such as lumber and tree branches create hazards for drivers.
The quantity of trash along the roads is a disgrace and certainly does not provide the impression we desire for our citizens and visitors. By covering or containing vehicle loads, materials will not be dropped or blown from vehicles.” (...)
[ Read more at: Sierra Vista Herald ]
Labels: arizona, AZ, john wettack, politics, sierra vista
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